Unbundled legal services are also known as “limited scope” legal services. In this scenario, the legal services are “unbundled.” That is to say that the attorney provides less than the “full” legal services as outlined in the “full-scope legal representation”. Document preparation and/or legal coaching are examples of limited-scope/unbundled legal services. In another example of unbundled legal services, the client may represent himself regarding the simple, uncontested matters, such as dividing assets and debts, and hire an attorney to represent him in complex matters, such as custody and support matters.
Whenever possible, it is recommended that you hire an attorney to provide full-scope legal services; however, if you can’t afford to do so, this is an excellent alternative.
Unbundled services are not only good for the consumer, but also good for the overly-burdened court system. As it currently stands, approximately 70% of individuals are not represented by legal counsel. As a result, these unrepresented “pro se” individuals make numerous legal and procedural mistakes—causing undue delays and continuances for the pro se party and the overly-burdened judicial system.
For a more complete description of the service(s) below CLICK HERE

(Initial and Post)
Emails (up to 15min) .................................................... $25.00
Phone Call (up to 30min) ......................................... $50.00
Initial Comprehensive (up to 1 Hour)
Consultation / Evaluation ........................................ $75.00
Legal / Court Coaching (per hour)
(Phone or Virtual)
A-la-Carte (1 Hour)......................................... $75.00
A-la-Carte (2 Hour) ...................................... $135.00
Document Review (per hour) ................................ $60.00
Document Preparation (per hour) ......................... $75.00
LLC Organization (plus fee(s)) ............................ $250.00
Incorporation (plus fee(s)) .................................... $250.00
Non-Disclosure Agreement .................................... $75.00
Confidentiality (Employee) ...................................... $75.00
Confidentiality (Third Party) ................................... $75.00
Non-Compete (Employee) ..................................... $125.00
Non-Compete (Third Party) .................................. $125.00
Business Entities
Corporate Documents
Domestic Relations
Living Will / Power of Attorney
(Unmarried Person) ................................................... $225.00
(Married Person, each) ............................................. $325.00
Living Trust / Pour Over Will / Power of Attorney
(Unmarried Person) ................................................... $375.00
(Married Person, each) ............................................ $425.00
Divorce Form(s) / Marital Settlement Agreement
(Uncontested Divorce, no children) ............... $1,200.00
Domestic Relations
Legal Drafting
(Pro Se Assistance)
Will .......................................................................................... $80.00
Financial Power of Attorney .................................... $60.00
Living Will / Health Care Power of Attorney .. $75.00
Divorce Form(s), no children
(Uncontested Divorce, plus fee(s))...................... $675.00
Marital Settlement Agreement ........................... $400.00
Premarital Agreement ............................................... $275.00
Freelancer Agreement .................................................. $75.00
Contract Negotiations (per hour) ......................... $65.00
Contract Review (per hour) ...................................... $60.00
Mediation Representation (per hour) ................. $75.00
Complaint / Petition (per hour) .............................. $75.00
Answer / Defenses (per hour) ................................ $60.00
Motion(s) (per hour) ..................................................... $50.00
Brief / Memorandum of Law (per hour) ........... $85.00
Appeal Review (per hour) ........................................ $100.00
Appeal Brief (per hour) .............................................. $125.00